Monday, December 20, 2010

The Stimulus that Isn't

The Stimulus that Isn't

Posted: December 19, 2010 07:41 PM

"...It is astonishing how the Beltway echo-chamber, most egregiously the editorial page and news columns of the Washington Post (hard to tell the difference), thinks this deal is good for the Republic. The Post has become a cheerleader for policies that fail to cure the economy and show off Obama as a weakling waiting to be rolled again."

"The tax deal, re-branded as a stimulus program, is paltry and ineffective as economic tonic. What hardly anyone seems to have grasped is that the deal basically continues the status quo with almost no stimulus.  If the tax rates on the books in 2010 did not produce a recovery, why should we expect that the very same rates will change the economy in 2011?"

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