Sunday, April 19, 2009

Create more good jobs for direct care workers!

Thanks to Margarite Rosenthal for suggesting this great resource.

As Congress considers addition legislation to boost the flagging economy, they should consider additiona measures to support job creation and wage enhancements for direct care workers.

New Issue Brief on Recovery Plan Resources for Direct Care Workers

"WASHINGTON - April 1 - In these uncertain economic times, as states look for ways to cut costs and services, we may be tempted to use stimulus funds for 'Band-Aid solutions.' Instead, a new policy brief from the Direct Care Alliance, Using Recovery Act Funds to Improve Direct Care Jobs and the Quality of Direct Care Services, seizes the opportunity to improve these vital jobs now - and to set the stage for future improvements.

The brief, authored by CEPR's Shawn Fremstad, identifies funding available through President Barack Obama's Recovery Plan that could be used to invest in direct care workers through several means, including wages, education, and research that shows how improving direct care jobs improves care quality.

Recovery Act funds must be allocated for activities that will stimulate the economy, and how better to do that than by investing in direct care work, one of the fastest-growing sectors of our nation's economy? Any dollars we pass on to these low-wage workers would be used to purchase essential goods and services, multiplying their stimulus effect.

The full brief is available from CEPR or the Direct Care Alliance."

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